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Legacy Records

RDA Number
Effective Date
Record Series Abstract
Materials, records, and documents retained, collected, and processed on behalf of the Office of General Counsel (1) as a result of requests submitted to the TennCare Public Records Office, or (2) litigation. These materials, records, and documents are held and are copies of originals. The originals remain governed by the appropriate original RDA. These record copies are metadata created during or associated with the retention, collection, or processing activities of the discovery, litigation, or records requests that caused their retention. These items are to be retained for five years from the date any related litigation hold(s) were lifted or related records request (whichever is later) was closed by the agency.
Record Series Active
Cut Off at End of
If Other, Explain
When litigation hold(s) were lifted or related records request (whichever is later) was closed by the agency.
Total Retention Years
Total Retention Months
Retention End Action
Disposition Notes
Records are kept in paper and electronic format. Records are cut off when litigation hold is lifted or when related records request are closed. The office of general counsel will determine when records are past retention. Hold records for 5 years and destroy by state approved methods.
Record Location
TennCare Building, 310 Great Circle Road, Nashville, TN, 37243
File Arrangement
Grouped by litigation hold or records request.
Media Format Generated
Media Format Generated Summary
Electronic: Text
Electronic: Audio
Electronic: Video
Electronic: Spreadsheet/Database
Electronic: Presentation
Electronic: Email
Paper: Sheet
Media Format Stored
Media Format Stored Summary
Electronic: Text
Electronic: Audio
Electronic: Video
Electronic: Spreadsheet/Database
Electronic: Presentation
Electronic: Email
Paper: Sheet
Date Range
2010 to current
Allotment Code
Record Value
Audit Requirements
Information Shared Outside the State
Shared Agencies
Federal government, law firms.
Essential Record
Does this Record Series Contain Sensitive Information?
Agency Retention
5 years
Records Center Retention Period
5 years
System Name
Service Now, SharePoint server, OneDrive
Hardware Description
Shared drives on physical hardware.
Software Description
Service Now, Microsoft programs.
System Location
Shared drives on physical hardware in State Data Centers.
Backup Procedures
STS server backed up by the state; other drives are backed up by Consilio.
Disaster Recovery
SharePoint servers are restored by STS staff. Other drives backed up by Consilio.
Data Migration Description
Data is migrated as part of normal server migration process.
Records Management Division (RMD)
No recommended changes.
Tennessee State Library and Archives
No recommended changes.
Comptroller Audit Review
We have reviewed RDA 11435 from an audit standpoint. We concur with the recommended retention and disposition specifications.
Agency Records Officer
The agency concurs, thank you.
RMD Director
RDA 11435 is a request to create an RDA. The retention period will be five years and then destroy. The format will be paper/electronic. Recommend approval of the request to create RDA 11435.
Public Records Commission
PRC approves RDA 11435.