Core Data
RDA Number
Effective Date
Record Series Abstract
These records include but are not limited to documents related to the implementation and enforcement of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement and related agreements, statutes and rules. The records may contain confidential information.
Record Series Active
Cut Off at End of
If Other, Explain
These records are cut off when any reasonable possibility of litigation or arbitration for which the records would be relevant no longer exists.
Total Retention Years
Total Retention Months
Retention End Action
Disposition Notes
Records may be maintained in paper or electronic format so long as electronic content has been verified for completeness, accuracy and usability. Records in paper format may be transferred to the State Records Center. Electronic records shall be kept in storage that is maintained or approved by the Attorney General's Office.
Record Location
John Sevier Building, 500 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville, TN 37243; UBS Building, 315 Deaderick Street, Nashville, TN 37243; Richards & Richards, 1741 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37210.
File Arrangement
Media Format Generated
Date Range
1995 - Current
Allotment Code
Annual Accumulation
76 cu ft. 2 gigabyte
Current Volume
148 cu ft. 265 gigabytes
Record Value
Audit Requirements
Information Shared Outside the State
Shared Agencies
Other State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies
Essential Record
Yes - Original
Essential Record Stored
John Sevier Building, 500 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville, TN 37243; UBS Building, 315 Deaderick Street, Nashville, TN 37243; Richards & Richards, 1741 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37210.
Essential Record Media Type
Confidential Legal Citation
Tenn. Code Ann. 10-7-504
Does this Record Series Contain Sensitive Information?
Agency Retention
As long as active; Records may be maintained in paper or electronic format so long as electronic content has been verified for completeness, accuracy and usability. Records in paper format may be transferred to the State Records Center. Electronic records shall be kept in storage that is maintained or approved by the Attorney General's Office.
Records Center Retention Period
Up to 5 years
Electronic Records Plan Inventory
System Name
Hardware Description
EMC VNX5200 SAN and Cisco UCS servers.
Software Description
Files are stored on the VNX5200 SAN/Cisco UCS and are access by users using Microsoft Windows 7 OPS on their Desktops and Laptops.
System Location
The Production SAN is located at STS Data Center South.
Backup Procedures
Using the EMC Avamar Backup and Recovery & EMC Data Domain Solution for file system backup and recovery.
Disaster Recovery
Files are replicated to a second SAN, the EMC VNX5300 at STS Data Center North.
Data Migration Description
All data will be migrated or restored using our EMC Avamar solution.
RDA Comments
Records Management Division (RMD)
No recommended changes.
Tennessee State Library and Archives
No recommended changes.
Comptroller Audit Review
We have reviewed RDA 11239 from an audit standpoint. We concur with the recommended retention and disposition specifications.
Agency Records Officer
No further comment. Thank you.
RMD Director
RDA 11239 is a request to create and RDA. The retention period will be five years and destroy. the format will be paper/electronic. Recommend approval of request to create RDA 11239.
Public Records Commission
PRC approves RDA 11239.