Core Data
RDA Number
Effective Date
Record Series Abstract
PR-0272 (Sick Leave Bank Medical Certification) PR-0339 (Sick Leave Donation Agreement) PR-0401 (Sick Leave Bank Determination) PR-0472 (Request for Sick Donated Sick Leave) PR-0471 (Medical Statement for the Transfer of Donated Sick Leave) PR-0400 (Withdraw Request Application) Related correspondences Related medical records Sick Leave Bank Donation records
Record Series Active
Cut Off at End of
If Other, Explain
Upon agency receipt of notification that the employee has deceased.
Total Retention Years
Total Retention Months
Retention End Action
Disposition Notes
The records are to be kept in agency one (1) year after notification that the employee has deceased; then destroy by state-approved methods. Authority for retention: See Minutes for the Sick Leave Bank Board of Trustees Meeting, November 16, 2009, that reads in pertinent part, The Board voted unanimously in favor of a motion that files of deceased employees be destroyed after one year of the expiration of the employee or notification of expiration.
Record Location
312 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., TN Tower-17th Floor; Sick Leave Bank (SLB) Office, Nashville, TN 37243
File Arrangement
Media Format Generated
Media Format Stored
Date Range
Allotment Code
Annual Accumulation
0.5 cubic foot 0.1 gigabytes
Current Volume
10 cubic ft 0.5 gigabytes
Record Value
Audit Requirements
Information Shared Outside the State
Essential Record
Essential Record Stored
Confidential Legal Citation
29 CFR 1910.1020
Does this Record Series Contain Sensitive Information?
Agency Retention
1 year
Records Center Retention Period
Electronic Records Plan Inventory
System Name
Sick Leave Bank file on the H: Drive
Hardware Description
Internal DOHR server located on the 17th floor of the TN Tower, 312 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville, TN 37243
Software Description
Microsoft Office Suite installed on work stations of DOHR employees.
System Location
DOHR internal server I located on the 17th of the TN Tower, 312 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville, TN 37243
Backup Procedures
Backup procedures-Symantec Net backup every night at 6:00 pm and incremental backups 7 days a week. This process in managed by the Department of Finance and Administration within their Office of Information Resources (OIR) division.
Disaster Recovery
Disaster Recovery procedures established by the Department of Finance and Administration (F&A) under the Information Systems Council (ISC) Policy 9.00
Data Migration Description
RDA Comments
Records Management Division (RMD)
Recommend combining with RDA 3033 due to the similar nature of these records.
Tennessee State Library and Archives
TSLA concurs in RMD comments.
Comptroller Audit Review
Audit concurs with RMD comments.
Agency Records Officer
Sick leave bank is a reoccurring use program that employees can use throughout their entire career no matter how many times they come in and out of state government. They are only entitled to so many days of sick leave bank per ailment hence why its tracked. Deceased employees will obviously no longer be seeking benefits from the sick leave bank justifying why we don\'t need to maintain these records the 50 years RDA 3033 calls for.
RMD Director
RDA 11121 is a request for a new RDA. The retention period requested is for one year and destroy. The format will be paper. The records series is identical to RDA 3033 Sick Leave Bank Records, which currently has a one year retention period but is being revised with a fifty year retention period. Part of the reason the original RDA is being revised, is that it is difficult to determine when an employee who has left the state has passed. So the state has difficulty in determining when these records should be destroyed unless a person passes while still employed. A longer retention period allows the families and estate of deceased employees opportunity to review the records if any issues arise. Recommend request for new RDA 11121 be accepted with a five year retention period.
Public Records Commission
PRC approves RDA 11121