Core Data
RDA Number
Effective Date
Record Series Abstract
Documentation related to enfocement of APC Rules and regulations. Violations, penalty documentation, Orders, correspondence to and from the afflicted facility/person, and field notes.
Record Series Active
Cut Off at End of
If Other, Explain
Final legal action, then maintain 5 years and destroy.
Total Retention Years
Total Retention Months
Retention End Action
Disposition Notes
Original documents are sent to the companies in violation. Agency maintains a copy of the original documentation. Paper record will be destroyed after verification of electronic data. Agency will maintain the electronic file for the remainder of the 5 year retention period after final legal action and then destroy.
Record Location
TN Tower 15th floor, Nashville, TN
File Arrangement
Media Format Generated
Media Format Stored
Date Range
2007 to current
Allotment Code
Annual Accumulation
12 cubic feet Approximately 2 gigabytes
Current Volume
60 cubic feet Approximately 12 gigabytes
Record Value
Audit Requirements
Information Shared Outside the State
Shared Agencies
Environmental Protection Agency
Essential Record
Essential Record Media Type
Does this Record Series Contain Sensitive Information?
Agency Retention
5 years
Records Center Retention Period
Retention Legal Citation
TCA 4-5-319 Agency Records, 3years
Electronic Records Plan Inventory
System Name
Division of Air Pollution Control - Smog Log
Hardware Description
Oracle NAS (Networked Attached Storage) managed by OIR. Raid 6 system with 40 TerraBytes of space. OIR Fiber SAN managed by OIR. This is the OIR mandated storage medium and backed up through Enterprise Backups.
Software Description
Oracle Database Enterprise 11.2.3 NAS mounted and managed through Windows CIFS (Common Internet File System) Expected to use PDF and TIFF file formats. Oracle Exports and Hot online backups are used to backupthe data SAN storage from where it is backed up to the Enterprise backups. Expected to use DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLX, PDF, and TIFF file formats.
System Location
OIR Data Center South
Backup Procedures
NAS stores 31 daily snapshots. In addition, full backups are taken monthly with incremental backups taken daily. The monthly backups are stored off-site for seven years. With both methods considered, we can restore to any of the past 31 days if the file(s) existed during the time of either the snapshot or the backup, to one of the full monthly backups from up to seven years prior. Oracle Database is run in archive log mode and all redo logs are backed up daily. Hot backup of all data files are done on weekends.
Disaster Recovery
Recovery Procedure: Helpdesk tickets to OIR as Priority 1 can restore file(s) in 2 hours time if restoring to a point within the past 31 days. If later (as tapes must come from off-site) expected Priority 1 recovery time is 5 hours. Major Disaster Recovery: OIR has a written policy on how to handle major disaster recovery. In summary: Order new hardware if required. Receive, configure and verify setup and connect ability. Install required software to restore from image files and/or tapes. Inventory media and image files, restore.
Data Migration Description
Select users in each agency, along with (temporarily) General Services personnel, have the ability to scan and write documents to the NAS. Managed by Active Directory Groups.
RDA Comments
Records Management Division (RMD)
No recommended changes.
Tennessee State Library and Archives
No recommended changes.
Comptroller Audit Review
We have reviewed RDA 11005 from an audit standpoint. We recommend changing the retention period to 5 years.
Agency Records Officer
Accept Audit's recommendation to retain five years.
RMD Director
Recommend approval with the retention changed to five years. This will require changing the 3 years to 5 years under the Total Retention, Cut Off description, Disposition Notes, and Agency Retention.
Public Records Commission
Changed Total Retention: 5 years Cut Off Description: Final legal action, then maintain 5 years and destroy. Disposition Notes: Original documents are sent to the companies in violation. Agency maintains a copy of the original documentation. Paper record will be destroyed after verification of electronic data. Agency will maintain the electronic file for the remainder of the 5 year retention period after final legal action and then destroy. Agency Retention: 5 years