Core Data
RDA Number
Effective Date
Record Series Abstract
The purpose of the records relates to discretionary grant working papers - contracts, financial records, program reports, monitoring/audit information. Documents include Year-end Reports - ED5184, Program Monitoring Tool - ED5409, Request for Advance or Reimbursement - ED5023, 21st CCLC Budget Amendment - ED5184.
Record Series Active
Cut Off at End of
Fiscal Year
Total Retention Years
Total Retention Months
Retention End Action
Disposition Notes
Records will be cut off at the end of each fiscal year and kept for five years. Records may be transferred to the state records center for storage after cut off. Records will be destroyed by state approved method after five years.
Record Location
710 James Robertson Pkwy 6th flr Andrew Johnson Tower
File Arrangement
Media Format Generated
Media Format Stored
Date Range
Allotment Code
Annual Accumulation
4 cu. ft
Current Volume
7 cu. ft
Record Value
Audit Requirements
Information Shared Outside the State
Shared Agencies
US Department of Education
Essential Record
Essential Record Media Type
Does this Record Series Contain Sensitive Information?
Agency Retention
Records Center Retention Period
up to 5 years
Retention Legal Citation
45 CFR 74.53; & 34 CFR 80.42
RDA Comments
Records Management Division (RMD)
Expand abstract for clearer definition of record series. Check with Audit Division if 3 years is long enough retention period. Disposition Notes need clarification on how the record series is stored and clarification of when destroyed. Record Value is marked as Historic but this seems contradictory to the short retention period before destruction. Record may be of Legal value. If subject to Federal Audit there should be information on Federal agency record may be shared with. Missing Record Sample and Legal Sample.
Tennessee State Library and Archives
Concur with RMD and Audit comments.
Comptroller Audit Review
We have reviewed RDA 3083 from an audit standpoint. We recommend changing retention period to 5 years.
Agency Records Officer
It appears that not all information provided on the original submission regarding RDA 3083 was transferred to the current format. Please see additional information below: 1)Expand abstract: The original submission stated - The purpose of the records relates to discretionary grant working papers - contracts, financial records, program reports, monitoring/audit information. Documents include Year-end Reports - ED5184, Program Monitoring Tool - ED5409, Request for Advance or Reimbursement - ED5023, 21st CCLC Budget Amendment - ED5184. 2)Retention period: EDGAR/CFR Section 74.53 requires maintaining files/records for a minimum of 3 yrs; older files/records can be destroyed at the end of each fiscal year. Can maintain records for up to 5 yrs as suggested. 3)Record series storage and destruction: All records are paper copies beginning with 2009 and boxed alphabetically by fiscal year. The instructions/request submitted were to destroy oldest fiscal year annually at the end of the current fiscal year. 4)Record value: Historical was marked as the discretionary grant period is 3 years and the records cover the life of the grant. If historical should not be marked, that can be changed. 5)Sharing records: This question was not on the original form. In case of federal audit or monitoring, records can be shared with US Department of Education. 6)Record samples: Original submission included samples; see attachments.
RMD Director
RDA 3083 is a revision of an existing RDA. The proposed retention time would change from 3 years to 5 years and it would remain in paper format. Recommend approval with the following changes: 1) Abstract - The purpose of the records relates to discretionary grant working papers - contracts, financial records, program reports, monitoring/audit information. Documents include Year-end Reports - ED5184, Program Monitoring Tool - ED5409, Request for Advance or Reimbursement - ED5023, 21st CCLC Budget Amendment - ED5184. 2) Retention Period - Change to 5 years as per Audit's suggestion and Agency's concurrence in comments. Change under Total Retention and Records Center Retention. 3)Disposition Notes - Records will be cut off at the end of each fiscal year and kept for five years. Records may be transferred to the state records center for storage after cut off. Records will be destroyed by state approved method after five years. 4) Record Value - remove Historic as one of the values. Keep Administrative and Fiscal 5)Shared Outside of State - Yes US Department of Education 6) Record Samples and Legal Citation were submitted and uploaded for the agency. Recommend Approval with the above changes with a five year retention period.
Public Records Commission
Approved with the changes to Abstract, Retention, Disposition, Record Value, and Shared Outside of State as per staff recommendations.