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Boiler Inspection Reports and Related Records.

RDA Number
Effective Date
Record Series Abstract
This records series contains the Boiler Inspector Report and related documents. Inspections are conducted in the field by a qualified/certified Boiler Inspectors and pertinent information such as the date of the inspection, vessel number, location, and number of boilers is recorded.
Record Series Active
Cut Off at End of
If Other, Explain
Receipt date of inspection report.
Total Retention Years
Total Retention Months
Retention End Action
Disposition Notes
Inspection reports begin as paper and are scanned and emailed to the Central Office and become electronic records. If a re-inspection is performed, the previous form is printed and updated as the inspection is performed. Documents are scanned to the approved state operating system. The receipt date of the inspection report triggers the retention countdown. Records will be destroyed by state approved methods.
Record Location
Boiler Unit - 220 French Landing Drive, 2B, Nashville, TN 37243
File Arrangement
Media Format Generated
Date Range
1970 - current
Allotment Code
Annual Accumulation
1.41 GB total operation system 6 cu. ft
Current Volume
1.41 GB total operation system 6 cu. ft
Record Value
Audit Requirements
Information Shared Outside the State
Essential Record
Yes - Duplicate
Essential Record Stored
Boiler Unit - 220 French Landing Drive, Nashville, TN 37243
Essential Record Media Type
Confidential Legal Citation
Does this Record Series Contain Sensitive Information?
Agency Retention
5 years
Records Center Retention Period
System Name
Smart Search
Hardware Description
The SmartSearch application resides in the VMW are shared environment at STS's Data Center South, Smyrna Tn. The application is accessed via a client that is installed on the desktop of the users. The Desktops all have the Windows 7 Operating System.
Software Description
The SmartSearch application resides in the VMW are shared environment at STS's Data Center South, Smyrna Tn. The application is accessed via a client that is installed on the desktop of the users. The Desktops all have the Windows 7 Operating System.
System Location
STS's Data Center South, Smyrna Tn.
Backup Procedures
Standard STS Data Center back up procedures are in place. Backups are taken nightly and stored on-site until weekly back up is taken to Iron Mountain back up storage facility.
Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery The SmartSearch application resides at the Data Center and is backed up nightly. Backups are stored off-site weekly. Bronze Level Disaster Recovery is used for Smart Search. Recovery in a disaster could take between one (1) to three (3) weeks.
Data Migration Description
Smart Search data resides in the SQL database located at the Data Center. If there were a need for a migration, it could be done by a DBA and the Smart Search Administrator.
Records Management Division (RMD)
No recommended changes.
Tennessee State Library and Archives
No recommended changes.
Comptroller Audit Review
We have reviewed RDA 2155 from an audit standpoint. We concur with the recommended retention and disposition specifications.
Agency Records Officer
We concur. Thanks.
RMD Director
RDA 2155 is a request to revise an RDA. The retention period will change from two years to five years. The format will be paper/electronic. The Title, Abstract, Cut Off, Disposition, and Worksheet have been updated. Recommend approval of request to revise RDA 2155.
Public Records Commission
PRC approves RDA 2155.